Monday 17 February 2014

Finally got to watch the conversation with John Boyer a week later -- thanks goodness for reading week, so I can catch up.  He's such an engaging personality, it's no wonder so many students want in his classes, and then add some "wicked cool" technology on top.  When I think back on the many university classes I've taken, few were taught by someone with this kind off energy. A lot of us in postsec are much quieter, less exuberant.  Would that come through in any technological communications as it does in the classroom -- or can we become more exciting teachers with some digital upgrades?  The Bionic Professor?

Monday 10 February 2014

Technology and learning involvement

Having taught online courses, the one thing I always wonder, even worry, about is whether the students are really engaged.  Not that they always were in the classroom!

I've been reading a lot by Lave and Wenger lately, on communities of  practice and legitimate peripheral participation in apprenticeship-style learning.  They mention technology, but don't explore the topic very far.

Made me wonder how technology fits into their concepts: do we expect students to be able to dive in and use what we've chosen, or can they "hang around and observe" for a while and then try it out? Can we create a community online?

That said, I've been "hanging around" this course and observing more than participating so far.  Not for lack of interest or engagement, but just too darn busy to become more engaged.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Given all that I have written over the years -- hundreds of newspaper articles, columns and editorials, academic papers, a thesis, etc. etc. -- it's kind of amazing I have never written a blog post. Not a true blog post. I've written pieces that were called blogging, to be trendy, but they were more like an opinion piece than a blog.

I am trying this out as a member of a TOOC, which is like a MOOC, about technology in education. The first thing I learned from registering for the TOOC is that you should double check your email in the registration form. I didn't and it wasn't correct. Luckily, through the magic of social media, the course leader knew a common friend and Facebook contact, and it got straightened out.

I chose the title of "A Learning Journey" because I feel that's what my life has been and continues to be, both through formal education and all the other learning that occurs. I hope to post some thoughts on the learning I am currently involved in, through PhD studies, informal studies, work, and life.